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Tales of Sheckley
Delos:  Why is there something, instead of there being nothing?

Sheckley:  There isn't something.  There's only nothing, masquerading as something and looking very very like Gerard Depardieu.  That, by the way, is the real meaning of cyberspace.

I now interrupt this introduction for a short rant:

Robert Sheckley is one of the finest SF writers of the 20th century and beyond, and is still producing first-class work in short fiction and at novel length.  There are present Grand Masters who have contributed less, and only a few who have contributed more to SF worldwide in the last sixty years.

The present fashion is to ignore the contributions of a writer unless they are novels, and that is a growing disaster and a betrayal of the history of SF achievement in the 20th century.  Not just the SFWA, but fans in general are losing touch with SF literary history and many of the master-works and fine writers of the past, but especially those whose finest achievements were short fiction.

Despite the efforts of NEFSA Press and others, almost everybody is looking at novels as the measure of a writer's true quality.
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David Hartwell Writing about Robert Sheckley

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