1928 Robert Sheckley is born on July 16 in New York City, to David Sheckley
(an insurance broker) and Rae Helen Feinberg (a school teacher). 1931 The Sheckley family moves to Maplewood, New Jersey. 1946 Sheckley graduates from Columbia High School. Hitchikes to California. 1946 (through 1948) Serves with U.S. Army occupation forces in Korea, as 1948 Enrolls in New York University. 1951 Graduates from NYU with B.A. Works in aircraft factory as assistant 1952 First professional sale of story, "Final Examination," in Imagination 1954 Untouched by Human Hands (first book and first collection) is published. 1955 Citizen in Space (second collection) is published. 1956 Divorces Barbara Scadron. 1957 Pilgrimmage to Earth (third collection) is published. Marries Ziva Kwitney. 1958 Immortality Delivered (first novel) is published. Writes scripts for |